Lawrence Walters Comments on Legal Issues in the:

“Lawrence G. Walters, a Florida lawyer who is part of the defense team for Ms. Fletcher, argued in a court pleading that the stories had scientific value…” — A Prosecution Tests the Definition of Obscenity, Sept. 28, 2007 [discussing the government’s case against Karen Fletcher, prosecuted for writing violent and sexually charged stories]
“Lawrence G. Walters of Altamonte Springs, Fla., said the development was disconcerting because the prevailing wisdom had been that investment in a company that is legal and licensed in its jurisdiction was not grounds for prosecution. ‘It would be the first time that that kind of liability has been imposed,’ Mr. Walters said.” — Gambling Subpoenas on Wall Street, January 22, 2007 [discussing the issuance of subpoenas to Wall Street banks by the Justice Department]
“‘This is a shot across the bow,’ said Lawrence G. Walters, a Florida lawyer who specializes in Internet gambling law. ‘They’re letting the industry know, ‘We’re about to come after you.'” — Arrest Made in Crackdown on Internet Betting, July 18, 2006 [discussing the arrest of David Carruthers in the first major crackdown against offshore gambling by federal authorities]
“The government has floated these legal theories without having to prove anything,’ said Lawrence G. Walters, a Florida lawyer who specializes in Internet gambling law. ‘But they’ve achieved their end result: scaring the players and the industry.'” — Companies Aiding Internet Gambling Feel U.S. Pressure, March 15, 2004 [referencing federal investigations into media advertising of online gambling businesses]
“‘The chilling effect is working,’ said Lawrence G. Walters, A lawyer who represents American media companies that accept advertising on behalf of offshore casinos. He said that American companies ‘are buckling under pressure and threats of prosecution and litigation.'” — Electronic Arts to Stop Advertising for Online Casinos on Its Web Site, June 12, 2004 [discussing corporate decisions to stop advertising for online gambling interests]
“Lawrence Walters says the suit could test the law’s constitutionality.” — Sticker Shock: Should There Be a Law?, August 11, 2000 [referencing the arrest of Walters’ client for an ‘obscene’ bumper sticker, and the eventual First Amendment claims against the police department after dismissal of the criminal case]
“Lawrence G. Walters, a lawyer who represents offshore casinos and their American partners, said the industry had been waiting for a test case and was eager to see how the Casino City case turned out. He said the stakes were significant, particularly for the offshore casinos, which do about half their business with American consumers.” — Technology; Lawsuit Claims Free Speech for Online Casino Ads, August 23, 2004
“Lawrence Walters, a lawyer who specializes in Internet gambling law, said prosecutors faced serious jurisdictional questions. One central question is whether any illegal activity is taking place on American soil; the bettors, he said, are not breaking the law, because placing a wager is legal.” — The Gambling is Virtual; the Money is Real, July 25, 2006 [discussing the prosecution against for racketeering]
“Mr. Walters said he did not believe that states had the jurisdiction to regulate Internet gambling, which involves transactions that cross state and national borders.” — Arrest of Second Major Online Gambling Figure is a First for State Officials, September 8, 2006 [commenting on the arrest of Peter Dicks, chairman of, on state level online gambling charges]
“‘This is a strategy of intimidating anybody who is in the chain of commerce,’ said Lawrence Walters, a lawyer who works with offshore Internet casinos, as well as software companies that do business with the casinos.” — U.S. Steps Up Push Against Online Casinos By Seizing Cash, September 8, 2006 [commenting on the arrest of Peter Dicks, chairman of, on state level online gambling charges]