
“Free speech advocate Lawrence Walters of Walters Law Group called the proposal to ban ‘extreme’ content ‘antithetical to free speech principles’”. UK Review Recommends Banning “Extreme” Content, XBIZ (February 27, 2025).

“Lawrence Walters…First Amendment attorney specializing in adult industry clients.” Age Verification Body Voices Support for Controversial SCREEN Act, AVN (February 27, 2025).

“Noted industry attorney and First Amendment expert Lawrence Walters of Walters Law Group” 9th Circuit Upholds Section 230 Protections in Reddit Case, (Oct. 24, 2022).

“’FOSTA has a substantial chilling effect on protected speech, causing numerous online platforms to completely shut down or censor material protected by the First Amendment,’ argue the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, the Internet Archive, Human Rights Watch, massage therapist Eric Koszyk, and sex worker rights activist Jesse Maley (better known as Alex Andrews) in their appeal, the opening brief for which was filed last week. The group—represented by renowned First Amendment lawyers Robert Corn-Revere and Lawrence Walters—has been fighting in court to stop FOSTA since not long after the law’s 2018 passage.” There’s No Way FOSTA Isn’t a First Amendment Violation, Says Lawsuit, (September 16, 2022).

“Lawrence Walters, an authority on First Amendment, Internet and intellectual property law who heads the Walters Law Group in Longwood, Fla.” Washington Post (Feb. 4, 2022).

“Lawrence Walters with the Walters Law Group specializes in First Amendment rights and said the move could create a public database of performers that could be accessed by exes and stalkers or that could out them publicly as performers” (April 15, 2021).

“Attorney Lawrence Walters with Walters Law Group says the bill could be challenged as a First Amendment violation. ‘If you’re looking at these potentially very serious felony charges based on your participation in a protest, that may prevent people from exercising their constitutionally protected rights,’ said Walters.” (April 16, 2021).

“Larry Walters, a First Amendment specialist…” Should You Worry About the “Parent’s Internet Accountability and Child Protection Act?” (August 14, 2018).

“Lawrence G. Walters, a First Amendment and obscenity lawyer of the first rank.” From the Acknowledgements in the new book by Eric Berkowitz; The Boundaries of Desire; A Century of Good Sex, Bad Laws, and Changing Identities.

“[F]ree-speech and constitutional-rights specialist…”, “The New Face of Game Censorship” (2009).

“Lawrence Walters, a prominent First Amendment attorney in Florida…” The New Larry Flint, Upstart Business Journal (Oct. 1, 2008).

“The decision at the trial court level was counter to all the others that came before it,” said Lawrence Walters, a First Amendment lawyer in Orlando, Florida. “It’s inconsistent with virtually all of the other trial court and appellate court decisions in the nation.” Ex-cheerleader’s lawsuit against website packs impact, USA Today (May 1, 2014).

“Lawrence Walters…knows his censorship issues.” Joystiq (March 27, 2009).

“First Amendment attorney extraordinaire…” The Magical Buffet (11/2008).

“A lawyer well-known among…website owners and First Amendment advocates.” D. Willhoit, Lawyer Has Experience With Obscenity Cases, Lakeland Ledger (Nov. 25, 2005).

“First Amendment expert…[and] pioneer in adult copyright policing.” Washington Internet Journal, V. 9, No. 52 (March 17, 2008).

“[F]irst amendment lawyer Lawrence Walters, … a powerhouse in that field.” (June 8, 2011).

“Internet expert…” AEE Legal Panel Hits All Industry Need-To-Know Buttons,

Lawrence Walters, of the Walters Law Group in Longwood, Fla., who specializes in free speech issues, including video games, agreed…that proposed legislation in Connecticut pertaining to video games are “doomed to fail.” He described the proposals as “kneejerk reactions.” “Guns and violent video games are the usual suspects in a tragedy like this,” said Walters. C. Nolan, Legislature Considering Video Game Restrictions, Connecticut Law Tribune (Feb. 22, 2013).

“An ace in censorship law…” News of the World, Edinburgh, Scotland (August 19, 2001).

“Larry Walters is a man you should all take a moment to thank: he’s been one of the chief reasons that video game legislation in general never seems to work. A prominent First Amendment lawyer who defends the free speech rights of the internet and gaming communities…” On Videogame Censorship.

Our story develops through the creativity and tech-savviness of his lawyer, Lawrence Walters.” M. Hesse, The Google Ogle Defense: A Search for America’s Psyche , Washington Post, (July 3, 2008).

“Larry Walters is not one to back down from a fight – especially when the First Amendment is at stake.” — FSU Law Magazine, Alumni Focus (Fall, 2006) — “Lawrence Walters, a nationally-known First Amendment attorney…” — C. Deitch, Pittsburg City Paper (5/10/2007).

“Since the untimely passing of Kenneth Hense two years ago, Lawrence Walters has assumed the role as online gambling’s preeminent industry attorney.”, PLC needs a wing and a prayer…and a miracle from God.

“Endlessly energetic First Amendment Attorney…you probably couldn’t do better than Walters (should you find yourself in court)” R.Gray, AVN Online, Get Walters (August, 2002).

“Larry Walters, one of the most gregarious and ubiquitous First Amendment attorneys in the biz.” Ynot News, First Amendment Focus (Jan. 17, 2002).

“Firmly rooted in the Free Speech camp, and a long track record in First Amendment law.” Rock Out Censorship,

“Larry Walters has undertaken unpopular cases to defend the right to free speech and expression. He also persuaded the Florida Bar to create a permanent committee on First Amendment Law.” Joseph Ditzler, The Daytona Beach News Journal (Feb. 16, 1997).

“A champion of First Amendment rights.”

“Larry Walters…specializes in obscenity and Internet law and has a longtime devotion in First Amendment issues.” T. Hymes & K. Brewer, “Another Turn of the Screw” AVN Online (Oct. 10, 2002).

“Florida Attorney and Gambling Law Expert” Spencer Ante, Business Week.

“One of the most prominent adult industry specialists…” M. Kerns, AEE Seminar Tackles Legal Questions,

“As Lawrence Walters mentioned in his presentation at GDC, content restrictions across a variety of media types, games included, could be established in order to make everything ‘politically correct.’” M. Methenitis, And Still, They Want to Take Away Our Games, Joystiq (July 16, 2009).

“Veteran First Amendment Attorney, Lawrence G. Walters…long familiar for representing adult entertainment and other clients in First Amendment-sensitive cases.” C. Farrar,, Walters Receives ASACP Service Recognition Award (January, 2005).

“Lawrence Walters, a longtime attorney specializing in Internet and gambling law…”, (August 11, 2004).

“A bright and well-respected First Amendment attorney, and one of the primary individuals defending the adult entertainment business.” Conner Young, Editor-in-Chief of (February 14, 2002).

“Larry Walters is a First Amendment attorney, and one of the elite handful of lawyers who defend those in the adult entertainment business.” – Gracie,

Television appearances by Lawrence Walters available here

Lawrence Walters comments for articles in