Commercial Transactions

Commercial TransactionsCommercial TransactionsContracts are serious business. Conducting any business without a formal, written contract is a recipe for disaster. The professionals at Walters Law Group have decades of experience in negotiating and drafting contracts of all varieties. Whether you are buying a business, licensing content, forming relationships with online customers, or leasing an office, we can ensure that your legal interests are protected.

Our firm routinely drafts all types of commercial agreements for its clients including:

  • User Terms of Service
  • Privacy Policies
  • Advertising Agreements
  • Notice and Takedown Policies
  • Purchase and Sale Agreements
  • License Agreements
  • Acceptable Use Policies
  • White Label Contracts
  • Billing Terms
  • Intellectual Property Assignments

Our attorneys are skilled in contract negotiation and we approach each transaction with individual attention. We focus on getting the deal done, not killing the deal with over-lawyering.

We are often asked for a “form” to be used to document a specific business relationship. Contract drafting is not form work. The job of a contract lawyer is to understand the nuances of each unique transaction, and to artfully draft an agreement that accomplishes the client’s goals. Using the wrong form, or worse yet – a document found on the Internet – can result in years of litigation if a dispute arises. Our attorneys have spent countless hours perfecting contractual provisions and developing approaches that position our clients for success in commercial transactions or disputes. Get the job done right the first time by engaging a professional contract attorney to negotiate and draft any important legal agreement.

Finally, do not sign contracts that you have not read. Let’s face it, nobody likes reading lengthy legal contracts. However, contracts are legally binding instruments. Execution of a contract with onerous terms buried in fine print can destroy a business. Our contract lawyers are trained to identify problematic terms in commercial contracts and negotiate better deals. Protect yourself and your legal rights by hiring a trained professional to review any contracts before signing.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our commercial transactions practice area.

Additional Resources:

The Dangers of Stealing Website Terms and Policies

New Card Association Billing Terms

Commercial transaction, in law, the core of the legal rules governing business dealings. The most common types of commercial transactions, involving such specialized areas of the law and legal instruments as sale of goods and documents of title, are discussed below. Despite variations of detail, all commercial transactions have one thing in common: they serve to transmit economic values such as materials, products, and services from those who want to exchange them for another value, usually money, to those who need them and are willing to pay a countervalue. It is the purpose of the relevant legal rules to regulate this exchange of values, to spell out the rights and obligations of each party, and to offer remedies if one of the parties breaches its obligations or cannot perform them for some reason.